José Luis is sure that Reinaldo was behind the burning of his boat. Alejandro confronts his father who admits to knowing about it but tries to defend Ray and Alejandro calls him Ray’s accomplice. Reinaldo finds Mercedes in church, says goodbye to her, and swears to God that since trying to change didn’t help all should beware. Soledad visits Oscar and accuses him of killing her father. Rodrigo looks at the necklace Isabela is wearing and recognizes it as a gift from Aristides. Alejandro confronts Ray about his dirty deals and this irritates him and Rodrigo permits them to fight in front of the whole family without saying anything; Reinaldo is hurt by refusal of his father to support him.
Reinaldo returns to Brenda and his father gives him a ticket to get out of town for a while. Ray will always love Mercedes but Brenda believes she deserves Ray’s love more since she’s always with him and doesn’t rejects him like Mercedes always do. Alejandro breaks up with Isabela since he has reconciled with Soledad, he is still very much in love with her. Sabas cuts the brakes on her Isabela’s car. While driving away, she got involved in a serious accident. José Luis tells Soledad he has resigned to not being able to win her love but wants her friendship and she said to him that she only loves Alejandro and that they are getting married but she only sees Jose Luis as a brother; he accepted this fact and they plan to open a restaurant together.
Rodriogo tells the still incapacitated Oscar that he is taking control of everything: his money, his property, his daughter, and that he has taken care of Isabela. Alejandro visits Reinaldo and discuses with him about his dirty businesses, he wants him to change for the better and he tells him he blames his attitude on how there father raised him.
Rodrigo receives a call from the hospital about Isabela’s condition; Alejandro on hearing had to rush to the hospital. Isabela awakes in the hospital with amnesia; she doesn’t remember anything before the accident but only her wedding with Alejandro. Alejandro stayed with her to care for her. Nana and Alvaro are so worried about Isabela’s health and Alejandro makes them to understand that she will be properly looked after in the hospital. Soledad agrees to let Alejandro pretend with Isabela until she is better. Oscar hides his progress in recovery; he doesn’t want Rodrigo to know.
Guillermo moved out of his father’s house when he discovers that he is into dirty business, he stays in José Luis house. Reinaldo gives Sabas money to leave the country for a while.
Isabela regains her memory but pretends she has amnesia to keep Alejandro by her side. Isabela’s nana guess that Isabela is faking the amnesia, Isabela admits it and finally gives up the act after her nana makes her to understand that she should forget about the fact that he wants to use it to keep Alejandro by her side.
Alejandro, looking for some keys to his desk had to go to Rodrigo’s office to find it but finds a medallion that looks familiar, like one that Isabela once wore except that hers was broken in half and this one is whole. In the house, Rodrigo has some kind of slight heart attack, sees a ghost, the ghost of Ruiz which he murdered years ago tormenting him. Soledad came in at that time to visit Alejandro and wanted to say hello to Rodrigo and finds him in a bad state. Kike and Soledad talked and he is happy that his father and Soledad are going to live together after their marriage. Rodrigo’s pain gets worse and Soledad calls on Alejandro who took him to his room and attended to him medically. Rodrigo gets out of bed and goes to José Luis’s house to see Guillermo who rejects him. Alejandro with Kike his son moves out of his fathers house but remembers about the medallion and asks his father about it but Lucia blurts out that it belonged to Aristides then pretends again to be crazy but Rodrigo is alerted.

Ray receives a call from Bernada that his father is sick and he visits but was told that he’s better and has gone out. Empetrix asked after Sabas from Ray and he told her that he should ask his father for another chauffer since Sabas is out of town; this didn’t go well with Empetrix.
Alejandro visits Isabela at home and they talk. Isabela confirms about remembering everything that happened but she’s hurt about Alejandro’s rejection. Alejandro said he will always love Soledad and they are getting married. Isabela told him that Soledad will be bad for him; she asked Alejandro out of her house and told him that Soledad will be his disgrace.
Isabela visits Leonardo and tells him that since she and Alejandro have broken up, she wants him to repay her loan immediately. Leo tells Alejandro about the loan she collected from Isabela; Alejandro doesn’t want to ask his father for help.
Soledad visits Isabela and tells her that she wants to buy her house, that it is very important to her. But neither says the words that would make them recognize each other but Isabela refuses Soledad out rightly. Isabela recalls that Soledad’s grandmother had a heart attack when she told Rosa her last name and this leads to Soledad thinking that she’s behind the attack but Isabela now thinks that she knows the reason why Soledad wants to buy the house, she believes that she’s an accomplice to the murder of her father and that’s why she cuts the brake of her car. She promises to turn her in to the police.