Rodrigo denies everything that was said about him. Alejandro wanted to know the truth but Reinaldo tells him their father did not kill anyone, it was a lie invented by Isabela. Soledad too almost believes Rodrigo’s denials.
Guillermo and Rosarita plan their wedding. Emperatrix seduces Alvaro, all she’s interested in is money. Alejandro meets a new woman, Carolina Reyes, a doctor with a daughter who is a friend of Kike’s from school and he invites her to join his practice with Leonardo.
Soledad gives Rosarita her wedding dress to use on her wedding. Lucia changes her look completely, she has taken charge of all Rodrigo’s properties, and she’s now a rich lady.
Rodrigo is charged only with bigamy due to the lack of sufficient proof to the murder of Aristides Ruiz. He was asked to pay a large fine for his bail and the money was gathered by Reinaldo, and he gets out of jail.
Carlos Alberto is disappointed by his lack of success in getting Rodrigo jailed and he promises to devote himself to getting Rodrigo back behind bars.
Oscar tells his sister Lucia that he is broke because his daughter turned over full control of everything he has to Rodrigo. Rodrigo’s sons confront him for not telling them who their mother was all this while but he tells them he saved them from three bad women: one a drunk, the other crazy, and the last who wanted to abort his child. He tells them they are what they are because of him.
Rosarita and Guillermo finally got married but Rodrigo and Reinaldo arrived late at the reception and make a scene and Guillermo asked them to leave. Emperatrix asks Lucia for money but she refuses and asked her to come and work for her instead.
Mercedes is not comfortable with Reinaldo’s attitude; she then decides to divorce him. She was about to give him the annulment papers when she overhears him talking to a lawyer about a house he wants to buy for Brenda and she tells him off.
Soledad visits Lucia and she decides to give her the family house as a token for what Rodrigo has done to her so she, Alejandro and Kike can move somewhere else with no bad memories.
Isabela’s nana reprimands her for the way she has manipulated Soledad, she tells her to allow Soledad make her decisions. Alvaro in his house with Empetrix gets an anonymous call from a man saying he knows his secret and will destroy him. He rushes out, leaving a briefcase with money in it. Emperatrix steals the money and when Alvaro returns he searched for it and asks Isabela and Empetrix but Empetrix says it has to be Isabela’s nana that took the money and Alvaro believes her.
José Luis tells Isabela he really cares for her, that he is over Soledad, but later he tells her he won’t marry her until he can support her.
Kike tells Soledad about Carolina. Soledad and Lucia tells Alejandro about the gift of the house, Soledad wants to reject the gift because of the effect it will have on Kike. While in the living room, Alejandro kisses Soledad and tells her he’s not been able to forget her. Soledad refuses the offer of the house and lefts.
Rodrigo and Sandra seem to be living together. Soledad and Alejandro meet again and they kissed, and part again. They almost went to bed but Alejandro tells her it just isn’t possible for them.
Isabela’s nana was very hurt for Empetrix to have accused her of stealing, and she wanted to move out of the house for lack of trust in her by Alvaro, Isabela was angry with her godfather for accusing her nana unjustly and she told him to apologize to her. Alvaro later apologizes to Lupe for accusing her of stealing the money; she agrees to stay for Isabela’s sake.
Oscar takes a job offered him by Lucia as a bar-tender. Alejandro and Carolina, became lovers. Reinaldo begs his mother to love him. Rodrigo arranges a meeting with Alvaro and tells him about his past, how Isabel’s mother died in an accident in which he was driving drunk and how he covered it up. He said he will tell Isabela everything unless Alvaro ceases actions against him.