Happy holiday and hope you're having fun.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Episode 24 - Grand Final – Love conquers all.

Isabel took Soledad on the cruise ship where Soledad used to work and on the cruise ship, Isabel tells her that the revenge is over. She throws their necklaces, with the half medallions, overboard because they now have each other. Isabel apologizes to Alejandro for putting so many obstacles in the path of his romance with Soledad. Alejandro proposes to Soledad and she agreed to marry him. Alejandro tells Providencia he wants to marry Soledad the next day on the cruise ship. Alejandro thinks of the day that his father told him to marry Soledad. José Luis and Isabel tells Romelia they are going to adopt and she tells them that Brenda is pregnant. Leonardo tells Alejandro that he took Carolina and Vanessa to the airport the day before; she left him a card wishing him well.

Carlos Alberto talks to Soledad, she tells him she is marrying Alejandro, he wishes her well. During the wedding, he sits in a bar and drinks. Most of the characters except for the dead Reinaldo, Rodrigo, and Rosarita; the jailed Oscar and the missionary Mercedes) are at the wedding: Leonardo and Fanny, José Luis and his wife Isabel, Lucia, Emperatrix, Romelia, Brenda, Guillermo and his mother Sandra, Bernarda and Santiago (who may go into business together), Kike, Providencia. Alejandro and Soledad married at last.
Emperatrix goes after the captain of the ship, she is only after wealth. José Luis and Isabel takes Kike to his cabin after he congratulates Soledad and Alejandro. The two lovebirds Soledad and Alejandro ran along and kissed at the bridge of the cruise ship.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Episode 23 - Reinaldo dies and Rodrigo crazy

When the police arrive with Alejandro and the others, Guerra comes out of the warehouse with a shotgun, yells to Reinaldo that he will kill Mercedes. She stood still in front of the headlights; Reinaldo dashes in front of her and he was killed instead. The police killed Guerra while trying to escape. Everybody, including Jose Luis, cries.
Emperatrix is surprised by a crazy Rodrigo when walking outside the house but escapes from him. Carolina visits Soledad and tells her that she broke up with Alejandro because he loves her and there is no point in fighting it. Alejandro arrives and Carolina says goodbye. Isabel tells her nana she is thinking of adoption. Reinaldo’s funeral is held; Rodrigo watches from afar, he is sure that Reinaldo isn’t really dead. Alejandro hears that Carolina is moving to Venezuela. Lots of tears for Reinaldo.
Rodrigo continues being crazy, plans revenge so he takes gasoline to Soledad’s house and spills it everywhere wanting to burn Soledad’s house but Guillermo arrives and stops him and he ran away. Carolina blames Mercedes for Reinaldo’s death. After Reinaldo’s burial, Mercedes decided to dedicate her entire life to the convent, she becomes a nun. Alejandro learns that Rodrigo tried to kill Soledad so he decided to stay with her to protect her incase Rodrigo comes around again.
Oscar tells Emperatrix and Lucia that Mercedes has gone to the Amazon with a group of nuns to help the natives. Oscar asks for Lucia’s forgiveness (he did nothing to keep Rodrigo from making her crazy and taking her money). He turns himself into the police and goes to jail.

Rodrigo steals a boat and heads out to the sea, Rodrigo on the boat sees the ghosts of Ruiz, his father and Reinaldo. When he runs out of gas, he starts to paddle with one oar. He has a heart attack and he slump and died. The police found him dead by the time they arrive the scene. Rodrigo is buried and so much emotions from everyone. Brenda learns that she is expecting Reinaldo’s baby, she is thrilled, so is Romelia and Bernarda. Isabel and José Luis decide to adopt two children since she couldn’t have any because of the Lupus disease.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Episode 22 – The Hurricane

Soledad agreed to meet with Carlos Alberto in a hotel to talk but while she was waiting for him she saw Alejandro with his friend Leonardo and fanny. Alejandro sent a note to Soledad and he excused himself. Alejandro and Soledad met and while they were talking by the receptionist desk, the lady asked them if they wanted a room and they booked a room in the hotel. They made sweet love once again and they decide to get back together. When Soledad returns home, Carlos Alberto was waiting and he insists that she tells him where she was. She admits she was with Alejandro and that they have reconciled. Carlos Alberto was deeply hurt by loosing Soledad and for cheating on him and he promises to get back at the two of them. Meanwhile, Carolina discovers that she is pregnant. After she tells Alejandro, he gets angry but realizes this means he can’t return to Soledad.
José Luis and Bruno rescue Reinaldo from Guerra where he was tied. Carolina and Alejandro talk about what to do about the pregnancy. The storm gets worse. Reinaldo, running from the police, goes to the convent and gets a key to the cabin where he and Mercedes once hid. He goes there with Brenda. Alejandro having heard that there is a hurricane decides to go look for Soledad in the hotel and waits out the hurricane with her.
Ochoa rescues Guerra and they decide to go after Mercedes because they know that with Mercedes in their custody, Reinaldo will want to come and rescue her. Guillermo tells Detector Gallo where he thinks his father is. Rodrigo and Sandra find their hideaway completely overturned and messed up. Alejandro and Soledad were rescued from the hotel and taken to the camp and there they help those hurt by the hurricane; Carolina saw them on TV and became furious.
Santiago tells Guillermo he just heard that Rosarita died while rescuing one of her students, Guillermo couldn’t take it, he cried. José Luis saves Alejandro after he patches up a victim and almost falls off a roof. Guerra disguises himself as a priest, goes to the convent and finds out where Mercedes is. Mercedes visits Reinaldo and Brenda and promises to bring them food. Rodrigo starts to go crazy.
Carlos Alberto sneaks into Soledad’s room and tries to rape her but Alejandro arrives in time to stop him. Alejandro beats up Carlos Alberto for trying to rape Soledad.
Romelia, Mercedes and Alejandro visit the sick Reinaldo. Alejandro gives him a shot for his fever. Oscar discovers that the mother superior of the convent gave Mercedes address to a priest she didn’t know. In a different disguise, Guerra locates father Ostachio and also ask him where Mercedes is.

In the hospital, Carlos Alberto press charges against Alejandro for attacking him. Soledad tells José Luis and Isabel what Carlos Alberto tries to do to her. Isabel got angry on hearing. A doctor arrives and José Luis learns for the first time that Isabel is sick. The doctor tells him there are drugs to control the disease but they are harmful to the baby she is expecting. Only an abortion will save Isabel’s life. José Luis and Soledad convinces her to have the operation.
Rodrigo is going crazy, sees the ghost of his father. Reinaldo goes to his father but when Rodrigo calls his mother names, Reinaldo goes crazy. He tells his father he is tired of his talking against the only two women whom he loved so much: his mother and Mercedes.
Carolina confronts Soledad, tells her that Alejandro is in jail because of Carlos Alberto. Soledad confronts Carlos Alberto and demands that he retract the charges; he refuses and says the two of them will pay for what they have done to him. Carolina tells Alejandro that Soledad is in the hospital caring for Carlos Alberto and tells him to make a choice between her and Soledad.
Brenda finds Reinaldo, and then Guillermo finds him and draws a gun saying he will kill him or hand him over to the police. Reinaldo tells Guillermo that he is all that he ever wanted to be and he won’t let him become a murderer. Reinaldo takes the gun from him and hits him over the head and escape. Guillermo visits Rodrigo and Sandra, tells his father he is ashamed to be his son, and hates him for what he did to Reinaldo and all his sons, tears up the law degree he decides to have because of his father.
Alejandro asks Soledad what she was doing in the hospital with Carlos Alberto. Soledad explains she was there because of Isabel (who had an abortion). Alejandro tells her he is going to leave Caroline. When he gets home, Alejandro asks Carolina why she lied to him about Soledad been with Carlos Alberto in the hospital, she evades the question and asks him his decision. He decides to stay because of the baby. Rodrigo becomes even crazier and threatens Sandra who runs away. Bernarda is now helping Reinaldo.
Soledad and others convince Mercedes that Reinaldo will be safer in jail than on the street and she decides to tell the police where he is, in spite of Romelia’s wishes. Rodrigo recalls killing his father as he was about to abuse his mother again.
Carolina has a miscarriage and Alejandro is determined to stay by her side. But Carolina doesn’t want that, because she knows that his heart is with Soledad and she decides to set him free.
Mercedes is kidnapped by Guerra and Ochoa. Carlos Alberto and Soledad have lunch together; he apologizes, swears he will never bother her again but wants her pardon.
Mercedes is missing and everyone is looking her. While driving with Bernarda, Reinaldo’s car is stopped by two policemen whom he kills in cold blood. He receives a call from Guerra about the kidnap of Mercedes and he leaves Bernarda behind and rescues Mercedes. While he repeatedly knifes Guerra, Ochoa drags Mercedes outside. Reinaldo catches up with Ochoa, slices his neck, Mercedes escapes.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Episode 21 – Sabas is killed

Soledad meets with Alejandro at a hotel to talk but they eventually made love but she rejects him again, at home she develops a sever fever. Isabel alerts Carolina and told her that Alejandro and Isabela are together and she questions Alejandro but he lied.
Emperatrix was actually used to kidnapped Rodrigo and since it didn’t work out as planned, Guerra and Ochoa decided to get out of the country and they needed Emperatrix to arrange a flight for them to leave the country but along the line something went wrong.
Soledad confesses to Carlos Alberto about her love for Alejandro and she breaks up with Carlos.
Reinaldo told Brenda he couldn’t marry her since she meant nothing to him, she wasn’t happy with this, so she locks herself in a room and swallow a large sum of pills, she wants to die. Reinaldo barged into the room and found her and she was rushed to the hospital, she survives the suicide attempt. Carolina confronts Soledad and promises to fight for Alejandro.
The Arciniegas brothers all discover that Emperatrix and Sabas were lovers. Sabas follows Gerra and discovers that Emperatrix was their accomplice; the one that has been given them information about the Arcinegas. He is shot in the process because on sighting Emperatrix, he couldn’t do anything. Emperatrix is thrown to the pavement and lost consciousness. .
In the hospital, Emperatrix pretends to have amnesia. Reinaldo finds the injured Sabas and kills him for betraying his father. Soledad agrees to give Carlos Alberto another chance but her mother believes Carlos is not good for her. Emperatrix left the hospital unnoticed due to calls she’s been receiving form Gerra, she wanted to run away but she was kidnapped again by Gerra’s men.
Reinaldo finds Emperatrix with Guerra’s men and almost killed her. Alejandro and Guillermo confront Rodrigo about his helping the murderers of Arturo escape. He ends up telling them that he has no sons since they didn’t believe in him and promises vengeance against Oscar for telling them the truth about his plan. Lucia decides to sell the house and move into another apartment.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Episode 20 – Rodrigo is kidnapped

Isabel isn’t feeling well. It turns out that she has a disease called Lupus and it will be difficult to have her baby.
Reinaldo and Julia, the daughter of the mafia kingpin Ochoa, become lovers which angers the father.
Rodrigo decided to formally marry Sandra who doesn’t know that she’s still married to Lucia. Lucia informed Alejandra about his father marriage to Sandra and he is against it, together with his mother he interrupted the wedding of Rodrigo and Sandra; they reminded him that he is still married to Lucia and cannot marry another woman.
Rodrigo is not happy with what Alejandro did and he told his father that he has to divorce his mother before he can remarry. Alejandro later talked with his mother to divorce his father officially, but she refused and told him that he wants Rodrigo to suffer as much as he has made her to suffer all this years.
Romelia tells Reinaldo about the papers that Carlos Alberto stole from his office and begs Soledad to have her fiancée stop his proceedings against Reinaldo. The doctor tells Isabela that she and the baby will be ok.
Ochoa and Guerrera kidnap Rodrigo. Isabel and Soledad and Carlos Alberto are accused of being responsible for the kidnapping. Reinaldo knew who kidnapped his father and together with Alejandro they went to the hideout of Guerra, but Rodrigo had already escaped before they got there and they found him in the bush and he was taken to the hospital. At the hospital, with Rodrigo’s sons around, he was happy for their support and love.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Episode 19 – Arturo is killed
Arturo is killed by garden-variety thieves who stole his briefcase and discover the value of the documents he was carrying only when they read of the arrest of Rodrigo in the paper. Jose Luis is terribly hurt by this because Arturo is his best friend, he said to himself, it’s the work of Rodrigo Arciniegas.
The thieves plan to blackmail Rodrigo’s family for a ransome. Auturo’s death is the last straw for Soledad, she couldn’t take it anymore. She followed Jose Luise and Carlos Alberto to the police station to talk to the detective; the Arciniegas were all at the Police station and Caroline too. Alejandro went to meet with Soledad where she was standing and tried to explain some things to her about the situation but she told him that she wants nothing to do with him and that she regretted knowing him, she said she wishes to see Rodrigo rot in jail for this murder. Those words really hurt Alejandro, he thought of it, how can Soledad the woman he loved regret every knowing him.
Alejandro is furious with his mother when she told Kike that his grandfather killed another man, he doesn’t like the way his mother is poisoning the mind of little Kike with the happenings in his family and it is really affecting him. Alejandro decided to move out of the house and he tells Carolina who suggests that he moved in with her and he accepted.
Arturo’s murderers were later arrested and they confess to the crime but while in the prison, Rodrigo discusses with his lawyer and Oscar about his plan to help the thieves escape in exchange for the documents. They told them that they have burnt the documents and they demanded money from Rodrigo’s lawyer. Rodrigo is freed again.
Alejandro moves in with Carolina and they try to explain the arrangement to their children who doesn’t understand why they should live together when they are not married.
The thieves plan to blackmail Rodrigo’s family for a ransome. Auturo’s death is the last straw for Soledad, she couldn’t take it anymore. She followed Jose Luise and Carlos Alberto to the police station to talk to the detective; the Arciniegas were all at the Police station and Caroline too. Alejandro went to meet with Soledad where she was standing and tried to explain some things to her about the situation but she told him that she wants nothing to do with him and that she regretted knowing him, she said she wishes to see Rodrigo rot in jail for this murder. Those words really hurt Alejandro, he thought of it, how can Soledad the woman he loved regret every knowing him.
Alejandro is furious with his mother when she told Kike that his grandfather killed another man, he doesn’t like the way his mother is poisoning the mind of little Kike with the happenings in his family and it is really affecting him. Alejandro decided to move out of the house and he tells Carolina who suggests that he moved in with her and he accepted.
Arturo’s murderers were later arrested and they confess to the crime but while in the prison, Rodrigo discusses with his lawyer and Oscar about his plan to help the thieves escape in exchange for the documents. They told them that they have burnt the documents and they demanded money from Rodrigo’s lawyer. Rodrigo is freed again.
Alejandro moves in with Carolina and they try to explain the arrangement to their children who doesn’t understand why they should live together when they are not married.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Episode 18 - Alvaro dies

Alvaro confides in Emperatrix about his discussion with Rodrigo and his threat and he begs Emperatrix not to say anything to Isabela, especially because he and the wife of Aristides were lovers.
Carlos Alberto announces his engagement to Soledad. Kike is affected about the happenings in his family, he calls Rodrigo a murderer and this hurts him very much. Rodrigo visits Soledad and begs her to take a gift to Kike.
Alvaro tells Isabel that Rodrigo is blackmailing him and he told her the relationship between himself and her mother how she died in a car accident due to his fault. Rodrigo has threatened to tell Isabela about it and Alvaro does not want this so he decided to do it himself. Isabel goes nuts, calls Alvaro a murderer, and tells him she hates him. The next scene is of Emperatrix telling Lupe that there is a secret in Alvaro’s past and then they heard a shot and rushed into the office and saw Isabel with a gun in her hand and Alvaro dead. Emperatrix calls Isabela a murderer and calls the police. Isabela was arrested and Soledad visits her in the police custody. She tells Soledad she didn’t kill Alvaro that she feels guilty because of the mean things she said to him, that she left the room and returned when she heard the shot. Isabela was arrested but was later released on bail. Alvaro is buried.

Isabel discovers that she is pregnant and José Luis is thrilled, tells her he loves her even more. Leonardo and Caroline saw Soledad at the hospital and assume she’s the one expecting, they told Alejandro. Alejandro somehow thinks the pregnancy should be his and visits Soledad just as they are about to celebrate the pregnancy and the engagement of Carlos Alberto and Soledad. Isabel tells him to leave. Alejandro told Carolina that he thinks Soledad is pregnant with his child.
Emperatrix begs Lucia for help and she agrees to give her a job as her assistant. Brenda visits Mercedes at the convent and tells her to leave Reinaldo alone, that she is a hypocrite who doesn’t really love him. When Reinaldo visits her, she told him that after talking with Brenda she is beginning to doubt her love for him.
Soledad tells Alejandro she is not pregnant but he doesn’t know if he should believe her. Soledad tells Providencia that she is worried because of the jealousy of Carlos Alberto.
Lucia is unhappy to hear that Rodrigo has taken Kike and Vanessa (Carolina’s daughter) out for a drink and Bernarda is pleased by her discomfort.
Isabela feels very tired and doesn’t look well. She assumes it is because of the pregnancy. Isabela goes on trial and Emperatrix testifies against her. Isabela tells the court that she left the office after Alvaro told her about his relationship with her mother and her death. But after she had taken a few steps, she heard a shot and returned, and found him dead and she picked up the gun. Isabela is discharged and acquitted but Emperatrix is not happy.
Mercedes discovers that Lucia is Oscar’s sister. Rodrigo tells Anselmo that he has control of some property of Aristides’ that Isabel and Soledad doesn’t know about and that he needs an accommodating notary who can change the title.
Alejandro and Caroline decides to get out of town and Soledad and Carlos Alberto decides to do same but unknowingly they went to the same place, while on the beach, Alejandro sights Carlos Alberto and Soledad playing and he became jealous. He hurried Caroline and they left the beach, he went to the hotel and asked for Soledad’s room no. Later, he barges in on the hotel room where Carlos Alberto has taken a drunk Soledad, he finds them kissing on the bed and drags Soledad out of the room and into the car. They argue, she tells him she wants to forget him, and asks if he wants to kill her, Alejandro goes crazy and starts to drive erratically, says maybe that was the way to end the pain. Then it turns out that it was all a nightmare of Soledad’s whi1e she was in the car with Carlos Alberto.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Episode 17 - Rosarita and Guillermo

Rodrigo denies everything that was said about him. Alejandro wanted to know the truth but Reinaldo tells him their father did not kill anyone, it was a lie invented by Isabela. Soledad too almost believes Rodrigo’s denials.
Guillermo and Rosarita plan their wedding. Emperatrix seduces Alvaro, all she’s interested in is money. Alejandro meets a new woman, Carolina Reyes, a doctor with a daughter who is a friend of Kike’s from school and he invites her to join his practice with Leonardo.
Soledad gives Rosarita her wedding dress to use on her wedding. Lucia changes her look completely, she has taken charge of all Rodrigo’s properties, and she’s now a rich lady.
Rodrigo is charged only with bigamy due to the lack of sufficient proof to the murder of Aristides Ruiz. He was asked to pay a large fine for his bail and the money was gathered by Reinaldo, and he gets out of jail.
Carlos Alberto is disappointed by his lack of success in getting Rodrigo jailed and he promises to devote himself to getting Rodrigo back behind bars.
Oscar tells his sister Lucia that he is broke because his daughter turned over full control of everything he has to Rodrigo. Rodrigo’s sons confront him for not telling them who their mother was all this while but he tells them he saved them from three bad women: one a drunk, the other crazy, and the last who wanted to abort his child. He tells them they are what they are because of him.
Rosarita and Guillermo finally got married but Rodrigo and Reinaldo arrived late at the reception and make a scene and Guillermo asked them to leave. Emperatrix asks Lucia for money but she refuses and asked her to come and work for her instead.
Mercedes is not comfortable with Reinaldo’s attitude; she then decides to divorce him. She was about to give him the annulment papers when she overhears him talking to a lawyer about a house he wants to buy for Brenda and she tells him off.
Soledad visits Lucia and she decides to give her the family house as a token for what Rodrigo has done to her so she, Alejandro and Kike can move somewhere else with no bad memories.
Isabela’s nana reprimands her for the way she has manipulated Soledad, she tells her to allow Soledad make her decisions. Alvaro in his house with Empetrix gets an anonymous call from a man saying he knows his secret and will destroy him. He rushes out, leaving a briefcase with money in it. Emperatrix steals the money and when Alvaro returns he searched for it and asks Isabela and Empetrix but Empetrix says it has to be Isabela’s nana that took the money and Alvaro believes her.
José Luis tells Isabela he really cares for her, that he is over Soledad, but later he tells her he won’t marry her until he can support her.
Kike tells Soledad about Carolina. Soledad and Lucia tells Alejandro about the gift of the house, Soledad wants to reject the gift because of the effect it will have on Kike. While in the living room, Alejandro kisses Soledad and tells her he’s not been able to forget her. Soledad refuses the offer of the house and lefts.
Rodrigo and Sandra seem to be living together. Soledad and Alejandro meet again and they kissed, and part again. They almost went to bed but Alejandro tells her it just isn’t possible for them.
Isabela’s nana was very hurt for Empetrix to have accused her of stealing, and she wanted to move out of the house for lack of trust in her by Alvaro, Isabela was angry with her godfather for accusing her nana unjustly and she told him to apologize to her. Alvaro later apologizes to Lupe for accusing her of stealing the money; she agrees to stay for Isabela’s sake.
Oscar takes a job offered him by Lucia as a bar-tender. Alejandro and Carolina, became lovers. Reinaldo begs his mother to love him. Rodrigo arranges a meeting with Alvaro and tells him about his past, how Isabel’s mother died in an accident in which he was driving drunk and how he covered it up. He said he will tell Isabela everything unless Alvaro ceases actions against him.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Episode 16. The many problems of Rodrigo

Alejandro doesn’t believe Rodrigo’s lies about Lucia being crazy before he married her. Gustavo threatens Reinaldo because of the loss of part of his merchandise. Alejandro tells Reinaldo that Soledad and Isabela are sisters; he tells Rodrigo too.
José Luis and Isabela become lovers, the only woman he loves doesn’t love him but found love again in Isabela, but Isabela is so domineering, always wants to have her way but Jose Luis doesn’t like this at all.
Rodrigo plans to kill Oscar and sends some people to do it but accidentally they killed Gertrudis his nurse.
Emperatrix goes to a hotel, but finds refuge in Alvaro’s home, Isabela and her nana doesn’t like the idea of Emperatrix living with them, but Alvaro is not bothered about them. Reinaldo tells Mercedes that Isabela and Soledad were responsible for the death of Gertrudis (but Getrudis told Mercedes before dying that the real victim was supposed to be Oscar). Mercedes confronts Soledad about Reinaldo’s allegation but she denies it, tells her that her father was an accomplice in the murder of her father but because Alejandro was there, she couldn’t name the other fellow. Mercedes confronts her father and Oscar tells her the whole story.
Rodrigo asks Garcia his lawyer to put all his properties in the name of Lucia who is the rightful owner so she won’t charge him with bigamy and Rodrigo is left with nothing. Sandra visits Rodrigo, offers him her support and he decides to move in with her. Rodrigo says goodbye to his staff and he left the house. Sandra tells Guillermo that whatever else Rodrigo has done, he raised a fine son, better than she could have done. Bernarda discovers that Romelia is the mother of Reinaldo.
Rodrigo tells Oscar to deny that he killed Aristides or he will suffer together with his family. Reinaldo talks with Gustavo’s boss, suggests that he would be a better employee.
Everybody learns the truth about Reinaldo and Romelia just as Reinaldo is about to kill José Luis his brother, having discovered him and Arturo snooping around. Romelia told Soledad the truth and they both went to Alejandro’s house to inform him. Romelia, Soledad and Alejandro arrived in time to prevent the murder between two brothers.
Both José Luís and Reinaldo were shocked to discover that they are brothers. Reinaldo ran away when he was told that Romelia is his mother, he couldn’t believe it, for all the wicked things he has done to her, he cried. Reinaldo finally ends up at Romelia’s door step, cries in her arms and begged for her forgivenes. José Luis returns home and sees them together, tells Reinaldo he will never accept him as a brother and tells his mother he will never forgive her for hiding the truth from him, Romelia pleads for his forgiveness, says she was afraid of Rodrigo and that was why she couldn’t tell him the truth.
Rodrigo is arrested for the murder of Ruiz but released when there was no concrete evidence against him. Then Lucía charges him with bigamy and he is arrested again. Arturo publishes an article in which he accuses the Arciniagas family of being involved in narcotics. The patients of Leo and Alejandro on discovering this cancel their appointments at the hospital because of several things written in the papers against the Arciniegas family and this really disturbs Alejandro, his reputation is at stake for been an Arciniegas.
Gustavo Guerra is told that he must take action to see that the story published in the paper about the Arciniegas goes nowhere because they will be linked if found out. Reinaldo visits Rodrigo in jail, demands to know why he told him his mother was dead and refuses to help him.
Alejandro and Guillermo discovered that Rodrigo is being charged with the murder of Aristides Ruiz as well as bigamy. They discover that the charge was made by Isabela Ruiz and her sister Mariana Ruiz. Alejandro visits Rodrigo; he lies to his children but Lucia later tells Alejandro that Rodrigo is guilty.
Sandra visits Rodrigo in jail and offers her support. She convinces Reinaldo to visit his father and he does; he promises to help his father. Alejandro asks Soledad why she didn’t tell him the truth; Isabela tells him it was part of their revenge. Alejandro asks Soledad what he or his brothers had done to deserve the revenge; Soledad just cries.
The lawyer Carlos Edwardo that was hired to handle the case between the Arciniegas and the Ruiz sisters has fallen in love with Soledad.
Emperatrix yells at Isabela’s nana and Isabela tells her to leave but Emperatrix complains to Alvaro and he assures her the she is his guest and may stay.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Episode 15. Alejandro & Guillermo found their mothers

Alejandro visits Daniela at home but he doesn’t want to have anything to do with her again, he was about leaving when Daniela threatens him with a gun. Alejandro doesn’t like Reinaldo’s associate, Guera. Alejandro warns Soledad to be careful of Daniela, asks her about the necklace and refuses to return it to her.
Guillermo visits Sandra and discovers that she is a call girl; she refuses to tell him more about his mother.
Alejandro shows the necklace to Rodrigo and Soledad explains that the necklace is as a sign of friendship, its part of her plan to help Rodrigo against Isabel. He swears that Isabel will pay for his financial losses.
Daniela in an attempt to make Alejandro pay for calling it quit with her kidnaps Kike from school but he escapes and she was later arrested.
Guillermo and Rosarita did some research by finding out the name given to him and he figures out that Sandra herself is truly his mother but when he confronts her she admits it and told him that she never had any maternal feelings for him, never missed him, that he was an obstacle to her career. She admits to Rodrigo that she turned up only because Emperatrix found her. Guillermo is both deeply hurt and oddly proud of her honesty but Guillermo is bent on making her change her mind about him and winning her love.

Rodrigo tells Sabas to kill Isabel; he shoots her in the back but José Luis is nearby and gets her to a hospital. Soledad realizes it must have been Rodrigo and swears never to see Alejandro again.
Arturo visits the jail and sees Brenda there, he advices her to turn in Reinaldo. Brenda tells Bernarda she will tell all if Reinaldo doesn’t get her out of jail and he finally did.
Reinaldo kidnaps Mercedes but she refuses to press charges when she was found with him, swears that she wasn’t kidnapped. Her father doesn’t understand her; she tells him she doesn’t understand herself.
For some reason, Soledad agrees to visit Daniela in her apartment and she was poisoned but the police and Alejandro arrived on time to save her.
Lucia escapes from the mental institution, the woman isn’t crazy, she runs to Romelia and she takes her in. Lucia, Romelia and Soledad talk and share secrets. Soledad agrees to hide Lucia in her house.
Alejandro decides to find the truth about the Ruiz’s sisters, he made his research and concludes that Isabel should be Mariana Ruiz and he visits her but she denies it.
Guillermo tries to offer his support to Sandra, he really wants to win her love and they finally start to become friends. Reinaldo gives Mercedes the chance to stay with her father or go with him and she, of course, decides to stay with Ray.
Lucia promises vengeance against Oscar for betraying her, calls Emperatrix on the phone and threatens her. Lucia begged Soledad to visits Rodrigo’s house to retrieve the document that proves she’s Alejandro’s mother and Soledad agreed. She visited the house and found the paper proving Lucia’s marriage and Lucia latter gave it to Alejandro. He realizes the truth has been kept away from him for so long, and he cried, he hated his father for deceiving him.
Rodrigo sees the reconciliation between Lucia and Alejandro and realizes that he knows the truth. Emperatrix is furious because this means she won’t get any inheritance. Alejandro is angry with Soledad for hiding Lucia and the truth from him.
Guillermo tells Sandra all about Rodrigo’s wife and lover and tells her he would like to see his mother married to his father so they could form a real family.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Episode 14. Daniela’s hatred for Soledad

Soledad at her house takes sleeping pills and slept off; Daniela enters her house with a screwdriver wanting to harm Soledad but met her sleeping, in anger she scattered all the things in her room but Rosarita returns right on time and she escapes without been noticed.
Lucia is committed to a mental institution and put into a straitjacket, Alejandro felt bad about this but there was nothing he could do. Emperatrix visits Sandra, the mother of Guillermo.
Arturo publishes an article calling the Arciniegas family names.
Leo invites Fanny, his secretary, out to lunch; they got to his apartment, made love. Then Reina appears and pretends to be hurt. (Later she tells her mother she is only worried that she will be with out a home when her mother goes off with Sabas.)
Bernarda visits Brenda in jail and begs her not to tell the police the truth about Reinaldo; Brenda says she wouldn’t hurt the man she loves.
Reinaldo tells Rodrigo that Soledad betrayed them; the business deal went sour. Rodrigo doesn’t believe him.
Sandra, visits Rodrigo and blackmails him: 5 million dollars for her to keep quiet or she tells Guillermo she is his mother, which Rodrigo doesn’t want. She visits the house again and she discusses with Guillermo, she tells him she knew his mother, a brilliant ballet dancer who lost her career because of an accident.
Daniela blackmails Emperatrix: she either gets Alejandro to visit her or she will tell Rodrigo about Sabas.
Romelia is determined to tell Alejandro the truth about Lucia but first José Luis forbids her and then Emperatrix gets her drunk, swears she has a plan to rescue Lucia. Soledad visits Alejandro in his hotel room, they made love then she recalls the oath she swore with Isabela and left, crying but she forgot her necklace, the other half of Isabela’s. José Luis tells Soledad about Lucia.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Episode 13. The Plan
Reinaldo gave somethings to Brenda to travel with but she didn’t check what those things were, at the airport she was arrested, and Reinaldo hires a lawyer for her but tells the lawyer to take his time, he wants her to spend sometime behind bars.
Rodrigo watches as Lucia and Emperatrix refuses to give him his pills but Bernarda arrives in time to help him. Rodrigo and Reinaldo talked about an accident happening to Emperatrix.
Daniela, drinking with Alejandro in a restaurant, gets very drunk, she saw Soledad with Isabel and José Luis walked in and she started talking, she was rude to Soledad and Alejandro didn’t like it and he took her home. Leonardo apologizes to Alejandro for thinking it was him that had an affair with his wife rather it was Reinaldo; the worst of it is that he still loves Reina.
Emperatrix tells Rodrigo that she knows he is a bigamist. Lucia tells Alejandro she is his mother but he doesn’t believe her; he thinks that her aunt is crazy again. Soledad makes Rosarita promise not to say anything to Guillermo her boyfriend, and she tells her the whole story about herself and Isabela.
Rodrigo tells Alejandro that he is afraid of Lucia, he said she tried to kill him, and that Emperatrix is interested only in his money but he thinks he is in love with her. Alejandro visits Soledad and they kiss but then she pushes him away.
Lucia tells Rodrigo she isn’t afraid of him because Alejandro will protect her, that she knows he killed Aristides. Alejandro tells Daniela he doesn’t want to see her again; she begs him to forgive her. After he left, she swears that Soledad will pay as have others.
Isabela’s nana notes that she is spending a lot of time with José Luis but she insists they are just friends. Emperatrix visits Alejandro’s apartment, finds the papers Lucia kept in the album and steals them. When Alejandro looks for them again in the album, he is convinced that his aunt really is crazy.
Rodrigo asks Soledad about her father; she lied to him that he left her mother when she was born and Rodrigo says he can’t stand men like that. Reinaldo arranges for Emperatrix to be killed but then Rodrigo changes his mind. Luckily, a guard and Sabas foil the attack. Rodrigo reaches an agreement with Emperatrix: she will get all the money she wants if she helps him put Lucia in an asylum.
Mercedes finds her father kissing Gertrudes and she’s upset about it. Leonardo tells Soledad that Alejandro did not have an affair with Reina but Soledad says it makes no difference since they are no longer together.
Oscar finds Mercedes with a bloody hand from grabbing roses in her effort to wipe the thought of Reinaldo out of her mind. Furious, he goes after Reinaldo and tried to kill him but his shot hits Sabas rather than Reinaldo and he was rushed to the hospital. Emperatrix visits Sabas in the hospital; Lola sees the two together and wanted to know what is going on Empetrix told her to mind her business.
Soledad tells Isabela she wants no part of the revenge but Isabela convinces her not to do anything rash. Daniela’s psychiatric sessions turn out to be with a phantom (she sits on a couch and talks to any empty desk). Her “ghost” recommends vengeance.
Rodrigo fakes an attempt on his life by Lucia and he tells Alejandro that Lucia wants to kill him and he believes him.
José Luis tells his mother that he and Isabela are just friends. Soledad went to visit Reinaldo in his office to discuss business; it was all a ploy by Isabela to make Rodrigo bankrupt.
Rodrigo watches as Lucia and Emperatrix refuses to give him his pills but Bernarda arrives in time to help him. Rodrigo and Reinaldo talked about an accident happening to Emperatrix.
Daniela, drinking with Alejandro in a restaurant, gets very drunk, she saw Soledad with Isabel and José Luis walked in and she started talking, she was rude to Soledad and Alejandro didn’t like it and he took her home. Leonardo apologizes to Alejandro for thinking it was him that had an affair with his wife rather it was Reinaldo; the worst of it is that he still loves Reina.
Emperatrix tells Rodrigo that she knows he is a bigamist. Lucia tells Alejandro she is his mother but he doesn’t believe her; he thinks that her aunt is crazy again. Soledad makes Rosarita promise not to say anything to Guillermo her boyfriend, and she tells her the whole story about herself and Isabela.
Rodrigo tells Alejandro that he is afraid of Lucia, he said she tried to kill him, and that Emperatrix is interested only in his money but he thinks he is in love with her. Alejandro visits Soledad and they kiss but then she pushes him away.
Lucia tells Rodrigo she isn’t afraid of him because Alejandro will protect her, that she knows he killed Aristides. Alejandro tells Daniela he doesn’t want to see her again; she begs him to forgive her. After he left, she swears that Soledad will pay as have others.
Isabela’s nana notes that she is spending a lot of time with José Luis but she insists they are just friends. Emperatrix visits Alejandro’s apartment, finds the papers Lucia kept in the album and steals them. When Alejandro looks for them again in the album, he is convinced that his aunt really is crazy.
Rodrigo asks Soledad about her father; she lied to him that he left her mother when she was born and Rodrigo says he can’t stand men like that. Reinaldo arranges for Emperatrix to be killed but then Rodrigo changes his mind. Luckily, a guard and Sabas foil the attack. Rodrigo reaches an agreement with Emperatrix: she will get all the money she wants if she helps him put Lucia in an asylum.
Mercedes finds her father kissing Gertrudes and she’s upset about it. Leonardo tells Soledad that Alejandro did not have an affair with Reina but Soledad says it makes no difference since they are no longer together.
Oscar finds Mercedes with a bloody hand from grabbing roses in her effort to wipe the thought of Reinaldo out of her mind. Furious, he goes after Reinaldo and tried to kill him but his shot hits Sabas rather than Reinaldo and he was rushed to the hospital. Emperatrix visits Sabas in the hospital; Lola sees the two together and wanted to know what is going on Empetrix told her to mind her business.
Soledad tells Isabela she wants no part of the revenge but Isabela convinces her not to do anything rash. Daniela’s psychiatric sessions turn out to be with a phantom (she sits on a couch and talks to any empty desk). Her “ghost” recommends vengeance.
Rodrigo fakes an attempt on his life by Lucia and he tells Alejandro that Lucia wants to kill him and he believes him.
José Luis tells his mother that he and Isabela are just friends. Soledad went to visit Reinaldo in his office to discuss business; it was all a ploy by Isabela to make Rodrigo bankrupt.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Episode 12 – Ray’s wedding
Reinaldo and Mercedes got married and Brenda showed up to cause a scene but Rodrigo handled her. Alejandro tells Soledad he is going to find out what is between her and Isabela, he just couldn’t understand how sworn enemies could become close friends all of a sudden. Alejandro warns Emperatrix about her flirting with Sabas. Lucia discovers Emperatrix and Sabas together but kept it to herself.

Sabas find out that Alvaro is buying up stock belonging to Rodrigo and he tells him about it; Rodrigo has another attack, he keeps seeing the ghost of Aristides Ruiz.
Isabela faints; Soledad is afraid she is pregnant by Alejandro and can’t stand the idea. Soledad, requested by Reinaldo, visits Rodrigo in the hospital. Soledad indeed visits Rodrigo in the hospital and he was so happy not knowing what her intentions were, he tells her there is an enemy in his business and ask her to join him to fight the intruder, to get vengeance against Isabela, Soledad agrees, and she told Isabela and José Luis all her discussions with Rodrigo but she wants no part of any vengeance, they should handle it.
Leo also has told Isabela that he no longer wants to be part of her revenge. Reinaldo and Brenda become lovers again, she is her passion but Mercedes the love of his life; he tells Brenda that Mercedes his wife, is one thing and she is another.
Oscar is tired of pretending that he is still paralyzed. Alejandro warns Emperatrix that he won’t let her get all of Rodrigo’s money or put Lucia in an asylum; Emperatrix insists she had no plans of doing so. When Reinaldo, Reina and Alejandro visit Rodrigo, he criticizes Alejandro for his behavior.

Sabas find out that Alvaro is buying up stock belonging to Rodrigo and he tells him about it; Rodrigo has another attack, he keeps seeing the ghost of Aristides Ruiz.
Isabela faints; Soledad is afraid she is pregnant by Alejandro and can’t stand the idea. Soledad, requested by Reinaldo, visits Rodrigo in the hospital. Soledad indeed visits Rodrigo in the hospital and he was so happy not knowing what her intentions were, he tells her there is an enemy in his business and ask her to join him to fight the intruder, to get vengeance against Isabela, Soledad agrees, and she told Isabela and José Luis all her discussions with Rodrigo but she wants no part of any vengeance, they should handle it.
Leo also has told Isabela that he no longer wants to be part of her revenge. Reinaldo and Brenda become lovers again, she is her passion but Mercedes the love of his life; he tells Brenda that Mercedes his wife, is one thing and she is another.
Oscar is tired of pretending that he is still paralyzed. Alejandro warns Emperatrix that he won’t let her get all of Rodrigo’s money or put Lucia in an asylum; Emperatrix insists she had no plans of doing so. When Reinaldo, Reina and Alejandro visit Rodrigo, he criticizes Alejandro for his behavior.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Episode 11- Soledad, can she get Alejandro out of her mind?
Soledad couldn’t take the thought of Alejandro thinking bad of her, the lie she told Rosarito, and Alejandro wanted to know if it was true. Even if there is not going to be anything between herself and Alejandro, she wants him to think well of her. So she decided to clarify things with Alejandro, she then visited Alejandro in the hospital, she was about telling Alejandro the truth because she couldn’t bear the distance between them any longer but Isabela arrives in time to prevent Soledad from telling Alejandro the truth and they left together and Alejandro wonders why Isabela has a strong hold on Soledad now.
Soledad asks José Luis not to press charges against Reinaldo for the kidnapping; she doesn’t want to hurt Alejandro anymore and there is no proof of her been kidnapped, especially since she did not press charges as at the time the incident.
Leo finally discovers that it was Reinaldo that had an affair with his wife and not Alejandro and he apologizes to his friend and they became close pals again. Leo and Reina got back together, but there has been a strain on the relationship. Leo tells Rodrigo he wants to make money and doesn’t care how.
Mercedes agrees to marry Reinaldo in spite of her father’s objections. Sabas sees Isabela and Soledad together and she informs the Arciniegas, no one knows yet they are sisters. Daniela seduces Alejandro, tells her that he is the man of her dreams. Rosarita tells Soledad about Daniela, Alejandro’s new girlfriend and she was jealous.
José Luis can’t understand Soledad’s attitude or why Emperatrix and Lucia visit his mother. Emperatrix, Lucia and Romelia went to Lola’s bar and got very drunk; Sabas was there and worried not understanding anything. Lucia gave an album to Alejandro where she put some documents containing important facts about her life. Emperatrix learnt about the document and went into Alejandro’s hotel room and searched everywhere, found the album and took the document. Alejandro later checked the album but she couldnt find anything and he concluded that Lucia was indeed crazy.
Soledad asks José Luis not to press charges against Reinaldo for the kidnapping; she doesn’t want to hurt Alejandro anymore and there is no proof of her been kidnapped, especially since she did not press charges as at the time the incident.
Leo finally discovers that it was Reinaldo that had an affair with his wife and not Alejandro and he apologizes to his friend and they became close pals again. Leo and Reina got back together, but there has been a strain on the relationship. Leo tells Rodrigo he wants to make money and doesn’t care how.
Mercedes agrees to marry Reinaldo in spite of her father’s objections. Sabas sees Isabela and Soledad together and she informs the Arciniegas, no one knows yet they are sisters. Daniela seduces Alejandro, tells her that he is the man of her dreams. Rosarita tells Soledad about Daniela, Alejandro’s new girlfriend and she was jealous.
José Luis can’t understand Soledad’s attitude or why Emperatrix and Lucia visit his mother. Emperatrix, Lucia and Romelia went to Lola’s bar and got very drunk; Sabas was there and worried not understanding anything. Lucia gave an album to Alejandro where she put some documents containing important facts about her life. Emperatrix learnt about the document and went into Alejandro’s hotel room and searched everywhere, found the album and took the document. Alejandro later checked the album but she couldnt find anything and he concluded that Lucia was indeed crazy.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Episode 10 – Soledad called off the wedding.

Much crying on the part of Soledad. She sends a note to Alejandro calling off the wedding. Alejandro was very devastated, not knowing the reason why Soledad did not show up for the wedding and why it was called of. Isabela tells Soledad no one must know they are sisters as they pledge vengeance for the death of their father.
Rodrigo confronts Oscar, tries to get him to admit that he is ok but Oscar keeps quiet so Rodrigo tells Reinaldo to use his relationship with Mercedes to discover the truth. Lucia shows Emperatrix the will and the marriage certificate between herself and Rodrigo.
Lola warns Mercedes that Rodrigo suspects Oscar and she thinks it could be very dangerous. Reinaldo agrees to a money laundering deal without his father’s knowledge. Reina finds Emperatrix and Lucia with the papers but doesn’t know what they are. Felicia tells Providencia and Soledad that Lucia is Alejandro’s mother. Reinaldo discovers that Leonardo thinks Alejandro is Reina’s lover and doesn’t tell him the truth, good for him.
Oscar finally talks to Mercedes but lies about his problem with Rodrigo. Soledad tells Rosarita she can’t marry Alejandro because she got drunk and slept with José Luis, she just couldn’t tell her the truth about her sister Isabela, she had tell a lie. Rosarita couldn’t keep it to herself so she told Guillermo her boyfriend but he ended up telling Alejandro who couldn’t take it and he had to visit Soledad to ask if it was true and after discussing she lies and says yes. Alejandro on hearing this was so hurt.
Isabela tells Rodrigo she has discovered that Oscar killed her father but he pretends not to believe the story. Isabela determined to get revenge at all cost with her godfather present got Leonardo to help them with their plan to bankrupt Rodrigo’s family. Arturo tells Alejandro that José Luis withdrew his complaint against Reinaldo because the latter kidnapped Soledad. Alejandro tells his father who questions Reinaldo and finally learns that he did kidnapped Soledad, Reinaldo tells him there is no proof. Rodrigo tells him not to hurt José Luis. Alejandro meets a new lady Daniela by name, a doctor, at a conference.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Episode 9 – Isabela & Soledad finally knows they are sisters.

Soledad tells José Luis the story of her father. Rodrigo tells Lola he won’t let her sister Rosarita marry Guillermo because he believes she is not good enough for his son. Soledad is certain that Rodrigo could not be involved in any crime. Leo tells Reina to curb her expenses; she is indignant. Emperatrix tells Isabela she thinks that Lucia is the mother of Reinaldo and voices her suspicions to Rodrigo who denies them. Bernarda tells Emperatrix she thinks that Romelia is Rei’s mother. Alejandro gives Soledad a ring in front of Providencia. The police arrive at Soledad’s home with Isabela’s accusation; Alejandro arrives and explains that Isabela is just jealous so the police left.
Isabela invites José Luis to dine and tries to get his support, but he tells her that they have lost, that Alejandro and Soledad fought fair but she fought dirty, faking the letters. Isabela denies knowing anything about any letters but José Luis doesn’t explain further. He advises her to forget Alejandro and start her life over again. Reinaldo asks Rodrigo why he tried to kill Isabela but gets no response. Lucia too believes that it was Rodrigo that tries to murder Isabela.
Soledad and José Luis breaks into Isabela’s home, open a locked box, and find the will of Aristides in which he names a daughter, Mariana. Isabela visited Rodrigo and with Reinaldo present she told him about her accident that it wasn’t an ordinary accident but planned told him it was the handiwork of Soledad, she wants her dead. She told Rodrigo that she is the daughter of Ruiz and she’s going to unravel the mystery surrounding the death of her father.
Emperatrix visits Romelia and ask her if she is Reinaldo’s mother. Romelia tells Emperatrix the truth. She was engaged to be married when Rodrigo raped her. When she gave birth, he took her son Reinaldo away from her. She begs Emperatrix not to tell Reinaldo. Emperatrix tells Lucia she doesn’t believe in her amnesia, has met the mother of Reinaldo, and now needs only to find out what happened to Ruiz and his daughters. Then the two are interrupted by Soledad who came to visit Rodrigo on hearing about his health. Rodrigo is happy to see Soledad and they talked and he warns her to be careful about Isabela.
Soledad visits Mercedes and her father again. She told Mercedes about her father and that she wanted to talk to Oscar if he knows who murdered him.
Leonaldo in the bar gets drunk talking about his marriage with Lola and Brenda, he said he thinks that Reina is cheating on him. He left the bar in a taxi. Alejandro sees Reinaldo and Reina going into a hotel, confronts them, drags Reina out where, unknown to him, Leonardo sees them and assumes that Alejandro is Reina’s lover. Leonardo and Alejandro confront each other, Leo thinking he was having an affair with his wife not given Alejandro any reason to defend himself; and on the account of Alejandro, he thinks Leo already knows about Reina and Reinaldo; Leo now thinks Alejandro has betrayed him as his best friend.

Soledad thinks that “A” mentioned in one of her father’s letters refers to Alvaro. The papers are stolen from Isabela’s home but Jose Lois thinks it could be Aciniegas too. Emperatrix and Sabas make plans against Rodrigo. Rodrigo suspects that Oscar is better than he pretends, orders Sabas to find out and discovers that he is right. Leonardo tells Isabela that Alejandro and Reina are lovers. With two days to go until the wedding of Alejandro and Soledad, Providencia decides that she must tell Soledad the truth. Soledad confronts Oscar again and he tells her it was Rodrigo who killed her father. Soledad refuses to believe Oscar, but Providencia admits to Soledad that it was true.
Lucia tells Emperatrix that she is Rodrigo’s wife and the mother of Alejandro. José Luis overhears Romelia speculate to Felicia that Rodrigo killed Isabela’s father and that Soledad may be her sister. Isabela goes to Soledad’s home with a gun. José Luis goes to Alvaro’s to find Isabela, tells him what they’ve discovered. Rodrigo confronts Lucía but has some kind of attack. Alejandro prepares for his wedding. Isabela went to Soledad’s house on her wedding and they fought; Soledad saw the necklace on Isabela. Providencia enters the room, then Alvaro and José Luis. Alvaro tells Isabela that Soledad is her sister; at first she refuses to believe it, finally drops the gun, leaves the house and drives away. She finally convinces herself it is true, the fact that they fell in love with the same man. Soledad is determined to marry Alejandro because he is not responsible for what his father did. Isabela returns to the house and joins the others in insisting that Soledad, now in her wedding gown, can not marry the son of the man who killed there father. Alejandro waits anxiously for Soledad; but she didn’t show up.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Episode 8 - Rodrigo tormented by a ghost.

José Luis is sure that Reinaldo was behind the burning of his boat. Alejandro confronts his father who admits to knowing about it but tries to defend Ray and Alejandro calls him Ray’s accomplice. Reinaldo finds Mercedes in church, says goodbye to her, and swears to God that since trying to change didn’t help all should beware. Soledad visits Oscar and accuses him of killing her father. Rodrigo looks at the necklace Isabela is wearing and recognizes it as a gift from Aristides. Alejandro confronts Ray about his dirty deals and this irritates him and Rodrigo permits them to fight in front of the whole family without saying anything; Reinaldo is hurt by refusal of his father to support him.
Reinaldo returns to Brenda and his father gives him a ticket to get out of town for a while. Ray will always love Mercedes but Brenda believes she deserves Ray’s love more since she’s always with him and doesn’t rejects him like Mercedes always do. Alejandro breaks up with Isabela since he has reconciled with Soledad, he is still very much in love with her. Sabas cuts the brakes on her Isabela’s car. While driving away, she got involved in a serious accident. José Luis tells Soledad he has resigned to not being able to win her love but wants her friendship and she said to him that she only loves Alejandro and that they are getting married but she only sees Jose Luis as a brother; he accepted this fact and they plan to open a restaurant together.
Rodriogo tells the still incapacitated Oscar that he is taking control of everything: his money, his property, his daughter, and that he has taken care of Isabela. Alejandro visits Reinaldo and discuses with him about his dirty businesses, he wants him to change for the better and he tells him he blames his attitude on how there father raised him.
Rodrigo receives a call from the hospital about Isabela’s condition; Alejandro on hearing had to rush to the hospital. Isabela awakes in the hospital with amnesia; she doesn’t remember anything before the accident but only her wedding with Alejandro. Alejandro stayed with her to care for her. Nana and Alvaro are so worried about Isabela’s health and Alejandro makes them to understand that she will be properly looked after in the hospital. Soledad agrees to let Alejandro pretend with Isabela until she is better. Oscar hides his progress in recovery; he doesn’t want Rodrigo to know.
Guillermo moved out of his father’s house when he discovers that he is into dirty business, he stays in José Luis house. Reinaldo gives Sabas money to leave the country for a while.
Isabela regains her memory but pretends she has amnesia to keep Alejandro by her side. Isabela’s nana guess that Isabela is faking the amnesia, Isabela admits it and finally gives up the act after her nana makes her to understand that she should forget about the fact that he wants to use it to keep Alejandro by her side.
Alejandro, looking for some keys to his desk had to go to Rodrigo’s office to find it but finds a medallion that looks familiar, like one that Isabela once wore except that hers was broken in half and this one is whole. In the house, Rodrigo has some kind of slight heart attack, sees a ghost, the ghost of Ruiz which he murdered years ago tormenting him. Soledad came in at that time to visit Alejandro and wanted to say hello to Rodrigo and finds him in a bad state. Kike and Soledad talked and he is happy that his father and Soledad are going to live together after their marriage. Rodrigo’s pain gets worse and Soledad calls on Alejandro who took him to his room and attended to him medically. Rodrigo gets out of bed and goes to José Luis’s house to see Guillermo who rejects him. Alejandro with Kike his son moves out of his fathers house but remembers about the medallion and asks his father about it but Lucia blurts out that it belonged to Aristides then pretends again to be crazy but Rodrigo is alerted.

Ray receives a call from Bernada that his father is sick and he visits but was told that he’s better and has gone out. Empetrix asked after Sabas from Ray and he told her that he should ask his father for another chauffer since Sabas is out of town; this didn’t go well with Empetrix.
Alejandro visits Isabela at home and they talk. Isabela confirms about remembering everything that happened but she’s hurt about Alejandro’s rejection. Alejandro said he will always love Soledad and they are getting married. Isabela told him that Soledad will be bad for him; she asked Alejandro out of her house and told him that Soledad will be his disgrace.
Isabela visits Leonardo and tells him that since she and Alejandro have broken up, she wants him to repay her loan immediately. Leo tells Alejandro about the loan she collected from Isabela; Alejandro doesn’t want to ask his father for help.
Soledad visits Isabela and tells her that she wants to buy her house, that it is very important to her. But neither says the words that would make them recognize each other but Isabela refuses Soledad out rightly. Isabela recalls that Soledad’s grandmother had a heart attack when she told Rosa her last name and this leads to Soledad thinking that she’s behind the attack but Isabela now thinks that she knows the reason why Soledad wants to buy the house, she believes that she’s an accomplice to the murder of her father and that’s why she cuts the brake of her car. She promises to turn her in to the police.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Episode 7 - Lucia discovers the truth
Alejandro tells Soledad he loves her but later goes ahead with plans for his wedding to Isabela. Mercedes and Reinaldo became lovers again. Soledad learns about the engagement party. Isabela tells the hospitalized Oscar that she is the daughter of Aristides and knows he killed him, that she is going to marry Alejandro. All the brothers got drunk. Soledad visits Oscar, tells him she is the daughter of Aristides and asks him if he can help her (although he is incapable of speech). Rodrigo enters the room at the end of her question and invites her back to the house where everyone insults her and left and a drunk Alejandro again confesses his love for her.

Brenda confronts Mercedes in the hospital and tells her that while she was in the convent, Reinaldo visited her at the apartment he bought for her, she became very furious and when Ray came to see her, she tells him to get lost. Rodrigo, frightened by Lucia’s memories of Felicia, tells Reinaldo to find her and kill her, in the form of an accident and refuses to tell him why. Romelia and Felicia bump into each other on the street: old friends who haven’t seen each other for years.
Isabela’s nana read the cards and tells her she will hurt herself if she hurts Soledad. Reinaldo confesses to Alejandro that Reina wrote the letters. Alejandro gives the letter to Soledad and explains the mix-up but José Luis kicks him out and tells Soledad it is just another lie. Alejandro confronts Reina who, finally, confesses but says that Isabela forced her to do it and Alejandro believes her. Then she finds Isabela and tells her she heard Alejandro telling somebody the wedding was off.
Isabela tells Rodrigo that her parents died when she was young, that Alvaro is her godfather. Her nana tells her she shouldn’t have told him. Lucia finds some documents in Rodrigo’s office in which she discovers that she is his legitimate wife and she inherited all her father’s wealth; moreover, in the event of her death, the money does not go to Rodrigo which, she realizes, is why he never killed her. On realizing this, she left the house, finds Romelia, tells her she knows she’s Rodrigo’s wife and begs her to tell her which is her son. José Luis forces Romelia to tell her: it is Alejandro. Rodrigo tells Emperatrix not to help Lucia in any way. Reinaldo is convinced that Rodrigo has asked him to kill his mother.
Alejandro and Soledad reconcile and went out on a yacht. Romelia tells Lucia that Reinaldo is her son. Soledad and Alejandro become lovers. Guillermo overhears Reinaldo and Rodrigo talking about contraband and confronts them; Reinaldo admits it is true. Guillermo tells Rosaria and then Alejandro. A masked Reinaldo warns Felicia to leave town that Rodrigo wants her dead. She tells Romelia and they decide it must be because she knows that Lucia is his wife. Rodrigo tells Emperatrix he wants Alejandro to marry Soledad not Isabela. Mercedes asks Rodrigo for some money for expenses. Reinaldo and Sabas burnt José Luis’ boat.

Brenda confronts Mercedes in the hospital and tells her that while she was in the convent, Reinaldo visited her at the apartment he bought for her, she became very furious and when Ray came to see her, she tells him to get lost. Rodrigo, frightened by Lucia’s memories of Felicia, tells Reinaldo to find her and kill her, in the form of an accident and refuses to tell him why. Romelia and Felicia bump into each other on the street: old friends who haven’t seen each other for years.
Isabela’s nana read the cards and tells her she will hurt herself if she hurts Soledad. Reinaldo confesses to Alejandro that Reina wrote the letters. Alejandro gives the letter to Soledad and explains the mix-up but José Luis kicks him out and tells Soledad it is just another lie. Alejandro confronts Reina who, finally, confesses but says that Isabela forced her to do it and Alejandro believes her. Then she finds Isabela and tells her she heard Alejandro telling somebody the wedding was off.
Isabela tells Rodrigo that her parents died when she was young, that Alvaro is her godfather. Her nana tells her she shouldn’t have told him. Lucia finds some documents in Rodrigo’s office in which she discovers that she is his legitimate wife and she inherited all her father’s wealth; moreover, in the event of her death, the money does not go to Rodrigo which, she realizes, is why he never killed her. On realizing this, she left the house, finds Romelia, tells her she knows she’s Rodrigo’s wife and begs her to tell her which is her son. José Luis forces Romelia to tell her: it is Alejandro. Rodrigo tells Emperatrix not to help Lucia in any way. Reinaldo is convinced that Rodrigo has asked him to kill his mother.
Alejandro and Soledad reconcile and went out on a yacht. Romelia tells Lucia that Reinaldo is her son. Soledad and Alejandro become lovers. Guillermo overhears Reinaldo and Rodrigo talking about contraband and confronts them; Reinaldo admits it is true. Guillermo tells Rosaria and then Alejandro. A masked Reinaldo warns Felicia to leave town that Rodrigo wants her dead. She tells Romelia and they decide it must be because she knows that Lucia is his wife. Rodrigo tells Emperatrix he wants Alejandro to marry Soledad not Isabela. Mercedes asks Rodrigo for some money for expenses. Reinaldo and Sabas burnt José Luis’ boat.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Episode 6 - Investigation

Mercedes isn’t feeling too well. Alejandro gets drunk, he’s been thinking about the letter he thought is from Soledad. Rodrigo meets with Oscar and tells him to investigate Isabela. Bernarda wonders if Romelia is Reinaldo’s mother. Reinaldo discovers that Mercedes is pregnant, goes to her and proposes but Mercedes says if she is pregnant, she would take her son far away from Reinaldo to avoid contamination. Reinaldo continues to believe that the only reason for Mercedes rejection is the fact that he is illegitimate.
After the letter issue between Alejandro & Soledad, she decided to move on with her life and she decided to go back to the cruise ship. Providencia gives her the necklace that belongs to her mother. José Luis tells Arturo he lied to save Soledad’s life. Isabela tells Cristian her employee she has reconciled with Alejandro. Oscar asks Isabel about Alejandro but she denies there is anything between them. Mercedes lost her pregnancy and Reinaldo cries, he really wanted the baby. Lola tells Brenda that she was pregnant once.
Reina has been making passes at Alejandro and Rodrigo tells her to keep her hands off Alejandro and marry Leonardo. Rodrigo gets Lucia to sign some papers. Reinaldo and Rodrigo return from a trip. Soledad and Providencia still on cruise ship. Rodrigo and Alejandro talk about Isabela.
Reina and Leonardo marry but she’s really not in love with him. Mercedes is accepted as a novice and Oscar tells Reinaldo. Isabela and Alejandro declare their love.

Soledad and Providencia return home and they both went to the Ruiz house and discover it is owned by Isabela not knowing who she truly is. A drunken Oscar had an accident. In the hospital, Mercedes seeks comfort in Reinaldo’s arms then apologizes to him.
Soledad and Alejandro met again on the beach; Kike runs away from her, to him she doesn’t love his father and always make him sad which he doesn’t like. Soledad hires a detective to find her sister. Isabela confronts Soledad and tells her to stay away from Alejandro but Soledad decides to fight for him in revenge against Isabela. José Luis gets Soledad to admit before Arturo that she was kidnapped the day of the news conference and tells her it was Reinaldo. In the hospital, Soledad tells Reinaldo that he will pay for all he has done because she will tell Mercedes everything. He swears that José Luis lied and, in any case, he has changed because Mercedes loves him. Rodrigo tells Emperatrix he knows she has a lover but doesn’t know who actually, she denies it though and he forbids her to leave the house unless Sabas is with her.
Alejandro is allowed to take Lucia from the hospital because she is only suffering from amnesia she isn’t crazy. Mercedes, out of her habit, gives Rodrigo authority over all of her father’s business since Oscar is seriously sick and couldn’t attend to the business. Rodrigo tells Isabela that he has power of attorney on all of Oscar’s property and he’s thus her associate.
The detective tells Soledad that Isabela bought the Ruiz house from Oscar but there is no record of her father having sold the house to Oscar. Rodrigo tells Lola that Emperatrix has a lover. Emperatrix tells Sabas that she is being blackmailed by the maid; he promises to take care of it. Soledad visits Alejandro in his office and they kiss.
Episode 5 - Soledad learns the truth about her past
Reina, Emperatrix and Leonardo find Rodrigo in the bar with Lola and he refuses to leave. Emperatrix tells Reina she is going to leave Rodrigo but changes her mind. Reinaldo talks with José Luis in the police station and tells him that Soledad will die if he says anything against him. Rosarita suggests that it could have been Reinaldo who kidnapped Soledad but she says it wasn’t. Soledad visits José Luis in jail and accuses him of having lied because of jealousy. José Luis tells her he did it for her but to leave him alone. Emperatrix flirts wtih Sabas. Soledad and Alejandro declare their love for each other. Isabela visits Rosa and wanted to ask for more information about Ruiz, her father and if she knows anything about her missing sister. She admits to her that she is Ruiz daughter and on hearing this, Rosa had a heart attack and she’s taken to the hospital. Soledad accuses Isabela of causing her grandmother’s heart attack and demands to know what she said to her. On her hospital bed, Rosa tells Soledad that she isn’t Providencia’s daughter but the daughter of Ruiz and that she has a sister....but she dies before she could name the sister.
Alejandro tells Reinaldo he is going to marry Soledad; Reinaldo tries to convince him not to, reminded him that Soledad was his, that she isn’t the right class of woman for him. Alejandro tells him he is jealous and that Reinaldo should forget about Soledad. Rodrigo is pleased by the news of Alejandro marrying Soledad.
Providencia admits part of the truth to Soledad: her mother died giving birth to her, her sister (the daughter of a first marriage) lived at the time with her godfather when her father was killed. But she doesn’t admit that she knows who killed her father or why. Soledad forgives Providencia but she’s determined to find who killed her father and where her sister is. Isabela feels guilty about Rosa’s death and attended the funeral but Soledad again accuses her of being responsible and tells her to leave. Soledad calls Alejandro’s home to explain why she couldn’t come over but Reina lies to Alejandro and suggests that Soledad is with Reinaldo.

Romelia gets Rodrigo to agree to hire a lawyer for José Luis. Mercedes tells Lola she knows that Reinaldo didn’t shoot José Luis but can’t forgive him for what he did to Soledad. In the bar, Brenda overhears Isabela telling her godfather about her need to find out who killed her father. Brenda tells Rodrigo who later inform Oscar and suggests that he should investigate further on the matter to ascertain who Isabela really is. Reinaldo asks Bernarda if she knows who his mother is; but she doesn’t. She later asks Rodrigo and he tells her it is none of her business. Reina sees Soledad leaving a note for Alejandro on his desk, but she tears it up and writes another: it tells Alejandro that she was mistaken in her feelings and she’s going to Europe and Alejandro on receiving the letter reads it and goes to the airport in search of Soledad, on getting there he asks about the flight to Europe and he’s told it has gone.
José Luis gets out of jail, he gives Soledad the letter that Rosa gave him and in it, she wills Soledad her shares in a business on condition that she stays away from the Arciniegas. Providencia finds the shares and José Luis checks up on their value: Soledad will be rich.
Soledad receives another letter from Alejandro (written by Reina) saying he was mistaken in his feelings and is going on a long sea voyage. Oscar tells Mercedes that he loves Isabela. Soledad tells José Luis that she doesn’t love him and can’t date him but they can only be good friends.
Alejandro tells Reinaldo he is going to marry Soledad; Reinaldo tries to convince him not to, reminded him that Soledad was his, that she isn’t the right class of woman for him. Alejandro tells him he is jealous and that Reinaldo should forget about Soledad. Rodrigo is pleased by the news of Alejandro marrying Soledad.
Providencia admits part of the truth to Soledad: her mother died giving birth to her, her sister (the daughter of a first marriage) lived at the time with her godfather when her father was killed. But she doesn’t admit that she knows who killed her father or why. Soledad forgives Providencia but she’s determined to find who killed her father and where her sister is. Isabela feels guilty about Rosa’s death and attended the funeral but Soledad again accuses her of being responsible and tells her to leave. Soledad calls Alejandro’s home to explain why she couldn’t come over but Reina lies to Alejandro and suggests that Soledad is with Reinaldo.

Romelia gets Rodrigo to agree to hire a lawyer for José Luis. Mercedes tells Lola she knows that Reinaldo didn’t shoot José Luis but can’t forgive him for what he did to Soledad. In the bar, Brenda overhears Isabela telling her godfather about her need to find out who killed her father. Brenda tells Rodrigo who later inform Oscar and suggests that he should investigate further on the matter to ascertain who Isabela really is. Reinaldo asks Bernarda if she knows who his mother is; but she doesn’t. She later asks Rodrigo and he tells her it is none of her business. Reina sees Soledad leaving a note for Alejandro on his desk, but she tears it up and writes another: it tells Alejandro that she was mistaken in her feelings and she’s going to Europe and Alejandro on receiving the letter reads it and goes to the airport in search of Soledad, on getting there he asks about the flight to Europe and he’s told it has gone.
José Luis gets out of jail, he gives Soledad the letter that Rosa gave him and in it, she wills Soledad her shares in a business on condition that she stays away from the Arciniegas. Providencia finds the shares and José Luis checks up on their value: Soledad will be rich.
Soledad receives another letter from Alejandro (written by Reina) saying he was mistaken in his feelings and is going on a long sea voyage. Oscar tells Mercedes that he loves Isabela. Soledad tells José Luis that she doesn’t love him and can’t date him but they can only be good friends.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Episode 4, Isabela's Game

Mercedes, suffering from the burns she inflicted on herself by taking a very hot shower, decides to be a nun. Lucia tells Isabela she knows the name of the killer but then her mind wanders. Alejandro visits Leonardo in the morning, finds him and Reina in pajamas. A news article is published accusing Rodrigo’s family of dealing in contraband. Reinaldo tells Alejandro that José Luis is jealous of him because he and Soledad had sex which is not true. Isabela refuses to believe the news story. Reinaldo tells Mercedes that he didn’t try to rape Soledad. Soledad begs José Luis not to hurt Alejandro because she still loves him. Reinaldo tells Mercedes she is rejecting him because he is an illegitimate child, rejected by his mother and now the love of his life. Alejandro sees José Luis and Soledad and attacks him for his accusations against his family.
Mercedes goes to the convent. Alvaro tells Alejandro that he will not let Isabela marry him because of the scandal. Isabela tells Soledad that it is all her fault. Reina tells Isabela that Alejandro tried to seduce her. She tells her godfather that she doesn’t want to marry a man who would deceive her, she is sure that Reina wouldn’t have the nerve to lie about such a thing. Isabela overhears Oscar telling somebody that he lied to Isabela, that both girls are alive. But he denies it when she confronts him. Oscar tells Isabela that he is the man for her. Reinaldo visits

Mercedes in the convent. The mother superior lets her stay even though she is convinced that Mercedes has no vocation to be a nun. Romelia won’t tell José Luis why she went again to Rodrigo’s house. Reinaldo suspects that Romelia is hiding something and determines to find out what it is. Sabas kidnaps Soledad. Reinaldo tells José Luis to withdraw the charges against him or Soledad will die. Alejandro takes Lucia to a sanatorium and visits Rosa in the hospital. Oscar and Alvaro are about to conclude their business deal. Isabela flirts with Oscar and rejects Alejandro’s advances. José Luis and Arturo hold a press conference but José Luis tells the press he lied, that his accusations against the Arcienegas were false. Sabas takes the blindfolded Soledad to a field and is about to kill her when some men arrive and rescue her. She tells she doesn’t know who kidnapped her or why (she didn’t recognize the voice of either Sabas or Reinaldo). Arturo tells Romelia that her son is a traitor.
Episode 3, Desires

Reinaldo pressures Mercedes to make love to him. Afterwards, she feels guilty but the priest pardons her because she is in love and they plan to marry. Alejandro tells Isabela it is too soon to talk of marriage and it’s too soon. Soledad visits José Luis in the hospital and sees Isabela kissing Alejandro. Romelia confronts Rodrigo about the attack on José Luis. Reinaldo admits to Rodrigo that he had Sabas shoot José Luis. José Luis tells Soledad that Reinaldo shot him and he is going to denounce him. Outside the church, Brenda tells Mercedes that Reinaldo is hers.
Isabela buys the house of her father; she didn’t tell Alejandro why the house is special to her. The police went to Rodrigo’s house to arrest Reinaldo but Mercedes tells them he couldn’t have shot at Jose Luis because he was with her all night. Oscar is furious about the lie that Mercedes tells the Policemen. Alejandro tells Leonardo that Isabela is hiding something and not been straight forward. Guillermo tells Soledad and Rosalita that Reinaldo is innocent of the charge against him. When Guillermo talks with Alejandro, they decide that Soledad made the accusation because she was jealous of the relationship between Isabela and Alejandro and he forbids Soledad to see Kike again. Oscar threatens Reinaldo, tells him to stay away from his daughter but Ray is not bothered. Alejandro arrives at the house just as Soledad is running away from Reinaldo’s kiss but she says nothing. After they got home, she tells him to leave her alone. Reinaldo tries to rape Soledad in her home but Rosalita arrives in time to stop it. When Alejandro arrives to apologize, Rosalita tries to get Soledad to tell him what happened but she refuses. Rosalita calls Guillermo and tells him about what Ray tries to do to Soledad, Guillermo later tells his father but his father doesn’t believe him but confronts Reinaldo, Reinaldo says there is no proof and if he is ever accused of rape, he says he expects Guillermo to defend him.

Isabela visits Soledad and asks what there is between her and Alejandro and Soledad insists there is nothing. But later she visits Alejandro in his office and confesses she loves him; Isabela enters and wants to know what is going on between them and Soledad left. Alejandro tells Leonardo he is through with Soledad. Reinaldo and Brenda made love while Mercedes is waiting for him to meet her for an elopement. He tells Brenda the marriage won’t change things between them but Brenda drugs his drink and calls Mercedes while Reinaldo is sleeping. When he wakes, he was furious and almost strangles Brenda. That doesn’t change her feelings. She tells Lola that Reinaldo is hers. Rosalita tells Mercedes what Reinaldo did but I’m not sure she believed her. However, she does tell Reinaldo that he is a beast and should leave her alone.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Episode 2 - Ray, the odd one out.
Kike runs away again to Soledad. Isabela offers Soledad work as a model, but she refuses knowing what her intentions are. Reinaldo complains to Bernarda about the way his father treats him and he is always unhappy for not knowing his mother. Guillermo meets Lola’s sister, a budding musician, and is attracted to her. Rodrigo visits Soledad and asks her to become Kike’s tutor seeing how attached they are to each other. Soledad sees Isabela kissing Alejandro and she got so angry and jealous. Reinaldo, surprised to see Soledad at his home grabs her arm and wants to start harassing her but Rodrigo walks in at that time to save Soledad and he forces him to apologize to her. Isabela and Alejandro talk with Reina and Emperatrix; Isabela calls him her novio “after the night they spent together”. Alejandro tells Leonardo he loves Soledad and not Isabela and Kike wants only Soledad.
Mercedes prays for the strength to stop loving Reinaldo but it’s really not easy for her to get him out of her mind. Reinaldo tells Mercedes that she is responsible for his behavior, swears he will love her and promises to change if she comes back into his life.
Soledad visits Kike again, Isabela assumes that Soledad is Kike’s nana since she doesn’t really understand the relationship between the parties. Isabela visits Providencia to offer Soledad a job but Providencia isn’t fooled; she knows why she came and tells her to leave since Soledad isn’t at home. Oscar tells Reinaldo to stay away from his daughter Mercedes that he is not good for his daughter but Mercedes tells her father she loves Reinaldo and that she has forgiven him for whatever he has done to her. Guillermo invites Rosalita, Lola’s sister, to his home. Oscar tells Mercedes he rather see her dead than been with Reinaldo. Soledad refuses, again, Isabela’s offer of a job. Lola tells Rosalita, her sister, not to go to Guillermo’s home again knowing well that the relationship between the two of them might not work out and of course Rodrigo’s feeling towards the relationship.
Isabela talks to her nana about her sister; she is sure that, like her, she was probably raised by a nana who took her away when their father was murdered. Isabela visits Oscar in his home and he served her drinks and along the line Isabela drugs his drink but then Alejandro arrives and picked up the drink meant for Oscar but Isabela on sighting this, spills the drugged one. Alejandro discovers that his aunt Lucia has been taken to the hospital, he doesn’t like this idea and he gets her out of there and returns her home. Kike runs away again to Soledad because he thinks that it’s only Soledad that loves and understands her. Isabela announces her engagement to Alejandro (he doesn’t seem to have anything to say about it). Romelia visits Rodrigo, warns him she will tell Reinaldo the truth if anything happens to José Luis. Mercedes sees Brenda kissing Reinaldo in the park. Isabela tells Soledad to stay away from Alejandro if she doesn’t want her for an enemy. Isabela introduces her godfather to Oscar and Rodrigo. Sabas, in a car with Reinaldo, shoots José Luis.
Mercedes prays for the strength to stop loving Reinaldo but it’s really not easy for her to get him out of her mind. Reinaldo tells Mercedes that she is responsible for his behavior, swears he will love her and promises to change if she comes back into his life.
Soledad visits Kike again, Isabela assumes that Soledad is Kike’s nana since she doesn’t really understand the relationship between the parties. Isabela visits Providencia to offer Soledad a job but Providencia isn’t fooled; she knows why she came and tells her to leave since Soledad isn’t at home. Oscar tells Reinaldo to stay away from his daughter Mercedes that he is not good for his daughter but Mercedes tells her father she loves Reinaldo and that she has forgiven him for whatever he has done to her. Guillermo invites Rosalita, Lola’s sister, to his home. Oscar tells Mercedes he rather see her dead than been with Reinaldo. Soledad refuses, again, Isabela’s offer of a job. Lola tells Rosalita, her sister, not to go to Guillermo’s home again knowing well that the relationship between the two of them might not work out and of course Rodrigo’s feeling towards the relationship.
Isabela talks to her nana about her sister; she is sure that, like her, she was probably raised by a nana who took her away when their father was murdered. Isabela visits Oscar in his home and he served her drinks and along the line Isabela drugs his drink but then Alejandro arrives and picked up the drink meant for Oscar but Isabela on sighting this, spills the drugged one. Alejandro discovers that his aunt Lucia has been taken to the hospital, he doesn’t like this idea and he gets her out of there and returns her home. Kike runs away again to Soledad because he thinks that it’s only Soledad that loves and understands her. Isabela announces her engagement to Alejandro (he doesn’t seem to have anything to say about it). Romelia visits Rodrigo, warns him she will tell Reinaldo the truth if anything happens to José Luis. Mercedes sees Brenda kissing Reinaldo in the park. Isabela tells Soledad to stay away from Alejandro if she doesn’t want her for an enemy. Isabela introduces her godfather to Oscar and Rodrigo. Sabas, in a car with Reinaldo, shoots José Luis.
Episode 1, La Ravancha - Love on Cruise Ship

On a cruise ship, Alejandro is attracted to Soledad, a beautiful young lady whom she met on the ship and she turns out to be in charge of entertainment. Alejandro dream of meeting her again, looked for her everywhere but couldn’t find her, at last he settles for a picture that they took together when Soledad was seeing to the guests welfare at the restaurant. Providencia , the ship’s head chef, the woman who raised Soledad when she was little and the person Soledad believes to be her mother learn that Doña Rosa, her grandmother is ill and they decide to leave the ship in Miami and care for Rosa. Finding Rosa very ill, Soledad calls Alejandro whom she had learned was a doctor. He cares for Rosa but Providencia doesn’t want the two to become involved. She knows that Alejandro’s father killed Soledad’s father, a murder she witnessed and caused her to flee with the young Soledad.
Meanwhile, Isabela has arrived in Miami with Lupe, her nana, to open a business with the help of her godfather, Alvaro Ruiz. She hopes to find the murderer of her father and when she meets Oscar, the man from whom she will be buying the location for her business, she believes she recognizes him.
At the airport, she bumps into Alejandro who is picking up Kike, the son who has been raised for the past 4 years by his grandparents, since the death of his wife. With his grandmother ill, the boy has come to live with Alejandro’s family: his father Rodrigo, his vicious brother Reinaldo, his other brother Guillermo, his father’s new wife Emperatrix and her daughter Reina and his crazy aunt Lucia. Reina sets her sights on Alejandro, wants to date Alejandro but was disappointed. Reinaldo loves Mercedes, the daughter of Oscar, but she has broken up with him because of the type of man he is. He is arrested for rape but is freed when his father’s goon Sabes, he threatens the girl that accused Reinaldo into retracting the accusation, and Reinaldo was released freed.

Rodrigo has a lover Lola, she works as a manager in Rodrigo’s bar. She was furious when she discovers that Rodrigo, her lover has married again. Sabes and Reinaldo threaten Arturo, a reporter who is working with José Luis to expose Rodrigo on all his shady deals. During the first week, Soledad saves Kike when he falls off a small boat and finds a wandering Lucia where Lola met them and offered to escort Lucia back home. Oscar finds Reinaldo forcibly kissing Mercedes and tells him to leave his daughter alone. Rodrigo and Oscar suspect that Isabela is the daughter of the man he killed, especially when she questions them about the history of the house she wants to buy, a house in which there was a murder. Isabela is convinced that Oscar is the murderer; she does not seem to suspect Rodrigo.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What do you guys think of Jennifer? A beautiful Yoruba film, I love the way Funke Akindele portrays the village girl character, a typical Ibadan girl. She really did justice to the work. It’s a must watch for every students especially the undergraduates that believes that the only way to make it in life is through dating several men and living big on campus not minding the end result. What do you think?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Baba Oba

Is it really true that when you give a woman power to rule she tends to misuse it?
Supposing a married woman becomes a king/ruler, what do you think will happen to the husband who is supposed to be the head of the home?
Is it right at all for a woman to assume the role of a man and if she does, will she still be able to discharge her duties as deem fit.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Mis Tres Hermanas

This story surrounds the family of Augusto, a hard working man that will give anything for the happiness of his sisters. After the death of his mother and supposed father, he took up the responsibility of been the father to his sisters (Silvia, Lisa and Bibi). His wife Magarita is a selfish woman that thinks only of herself, all she cares about is money and wants to get it at all cost. She believes that her husband, Augusto who loves and cares for her does not deserve her and that she deserves a rich and comfortable home where she’ll have everything she wants in life.
Augusto’s 3 sisters, Silvia his right hand, a beautiful woman married to Carlos and they both have twin daughters.

Lisa, a young beautiful lady, a university student and equally works as a nurse in a hospital. She met and falls in love with Santiago an Engineer that works at a Construction Company. Their love is so strong but Magarita the devilish sister in law becomes jealous of her and will not allow Lisa to know peace because out of her selfish reasons, she refuses to get pregnant for Augusto, her husband but tricks Santiago into sleeping with her and he believing that she’s still single and she gets pregnant and she therefore uses this to come in between Lisa and Santiago.
Bibi, a young school girl at 15 always keeps to herself, she believes her family treats her like a baby and doesn’t understand her in any way. She has a very special friend called Francisco whom she likes so much and confides in for anything but her big brother, Augusto did not see anything good in Francisco, he thinks he is a bad influence on Bibi and with the way he dresses, he looks weird.
Jesinto, the dead father of Augusto resurfaces; he is a scientist that works in the same hospital where his daughter Lisa works. He has remarried and has been able to bury his past in a way but on seeing Lisa, everything keeps coming back and he couldn’t control himself again but doesn’t know how to make himself known to his family that thinks he’s dead.
Lisa and Santiago plans to get married but Magarita won’t hear of this because she thinks that Santiago belongs to her because of the pregnancy she’s carrying. Augusto later discovers that the baby his wife is expecting is not his.
Bibi seriously sick and hospitalized and Francisco won’t just leave her side and this proves to Augusto that what he thinks of Francisco is wrong afterall.
Despite all that Santiago is facing, he won’t stop at nothing but to get back the love of his life whether Margarita likes it or not.
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