Soledad tells José Luis the story of her father. Rodrigo tells Lola he won’t let her sister Rosarita marry Guillermo because he believes she is not good enough for his son. Soledad is certain that Rodrigo could not be involved in any crime. Leo tells Reina to curb her expenses; she is indignant. Emperatrix tells Isabela she thinks that Lucia is the mother of Reinaldo and voices her suspicions to Rodrigo who denies them. Bernarda tells Emperatrix she thinks that Romelia is Rei’s mother. Alejandro gives Soledad a ring in front of Providencia. The police arrive at Soledad’s home with Isabela’s accusation; Alejandro arrives and explains that Isabela is just jealous so the police left.
Isabela invites José Luis to dine and tries to get his support, but he tells her that they have lost, that Alejandro and Soledad fought fair but she fought dirty, faking the letters. Isabela denies knowing anything about any letters but José Luis doesn’t explain further. He advises her to forget Alejandro and start her life over again. Reinaldo asks Rodrigo why he tried to kill Isabela but gets no response. Lucia too believes that it was Rodrigo that tries to murder Isabela.
Soledad and José Luis breaks into Isabela’s home, open a locked box, and find the will of Aristides in which he names a daughter, Mariana. Isabela visited Rodrigo and with Reinaldo present she told him about her accident that it wasn’t an ordinary accident but planned told him it was the handiwork of Soledad, she wants her dead. She told Rodrigo that she is the daughter of Ruiz and she’s going to unravel the mystery surrounding the death of her father.
Emperatrix visits Romelia and ask her if she is Reinaldo’s mother. Romelia tells Emperatrix the truth. She was engaged to be married when Rodrigo raped her. When she gave birth, he took her son Reinaldo away from her. She begs Emperatrix not to tell Reinaldo. Emperatrix tells Lucia she doesn’t believe in her amnesia, has met the mother of Reinaldo, and now needs only to find out what happened to Ruiz and his daughters. Then the two are interrupted by Soledad who came to visit Rodrigo on hearing about his health. Rodrigo is happy to see Soledad and they talked and he warns her to be careful about Isabela.
Soledad visits Mercedes and her father again. She told Mercedes about her father and that she wanted to talk to Oscar if he knows who murdered him.
Leonaldo in the bar gets drunk talking about his marriage with Lola and Brenda, he said he thinks that Reina is cheating on him. He left the bar in a taxi. Alejandro sees Reinaldo and Reina going into a hotel, confronts them, drags Reina out where, unknown to him, Leonardo sees them and assumes that Alejandro is Reina’s lover. Leonardo and Alejandro confront each other, Leo thinking he was having an affair with his wife not given Alejandro any reason to defend himself; and on the account of Alejandro, he thinks Leo already knows about Reina and Reinaldo; Leo now thinks Alejandro has betrayed him as his best friend.

Soledad thinks that “A” mentioned in one of her father’s letters refers to Alvaro. The papers are stolen from Isabela’s home but Jose Lois thinks it could be Aciniegas too. Emperatrix and Sabas make plans against Rodrigo. Rodrigo suspects that Oscar is better than he pretends, orders Sabas to find out and discovers that he is right. Leonardo tells Isabela that Alejandro and Reina are lovers. With two days to go until the wedding of Alejandro and Soledad, Providencia decides that she must tell Soledad the truth. Soledad confronts Oscar again and he tells her it was Rodrigo who killed her father. Soledad refuses to believe Oscar, but Providencia admits to Soledad that it was true.
Lucia tells Emperatrix that she is Rodrigo’s wife and the mother of Alejandro. José Luis overhears Romelia speculate to Felicia that Rodrigo killed Isabela’s father and that Soledad may be her sister. Isabela goes to Soledad’s home with a gun. José Luis goes to Alvaro’s to find Isabela, tells him what they’ve discovered. Rodrigo confronts Lucía but has some kind of attack. Alejandro prepares for his wedding. Isabela went to Soledad’s house on her wedding and they fought; Soledad saw the necklace on Isabela. Providencia enters the room, then Alvaro and José Luis. Alvaro tells Isabela that Soledad is her sister; at first she refuses to believe it, finally drops the gun, leaves the house and drives away. She finally convinces herself it is true, the fact that they fell in love with the same man. Soledad is determined to marry Alejandro because he is not responsible for what his father did. Isabela returns to the house and joins the others in insisting that Soledad, now in her wedding gown, can not marry the son of the man who killed there father. Alejandro waits anxiously for Soledad; but she didn’t show up.
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